Happy end of July!
Hi Everyone,
Happy end of July!! Hoping everyone in your home is healthy and safe!
In preparation for September, our office staff included a copy of your student’s transcript along with the Semester 2 Provincial Report Card. Please examine the transcript carefully and if you have any related questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at tslaght@bhncdsb.ca or 519 753 0552.
A reminder that school resumes on Tuesday, September 7, 2021. I will provide electronic updates on what September will look like as I receive this information from our public health team and the school district administrative team as they continue to collaborate.
All students who were attending St. Mary Catholic Learning Centre in June are most welcome to return again in September if they wish. Our Norfolk location for programming will be Fanshawe College. A classroom has been set aside for our use on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. We currently await further information related to Mondays and Fridays.
We are hopeful that we will be able to offer Dual credits with Fanshawe, Conestoga and Mohawk Colleges to Grade 11 and 12 students wishing to take advantage of the opportunity. We also hope to return cooperative education to our programming.
Social work and Child and Youth support will be available for students during this challenging period of reset.
If you have any questions related to a return to school plan for your child, please know that I am available to speak with you. You can connect with me by e-mailing tslaght@bhncdsb.ca I would be most willing to assist in any way I can!
Looking forward to September and all the hope that it brings to student academic goals!
Terre Slaght
455 Colborne Street | Brantford, ON | N3S 3N8
P : 519.756.6505 ext. 402 |519.753.0552 | E: tslaght@bhncdsb.ca
Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board
Excellence in Learning ~ Living in Christ
Visit: www.bhncdsb.ca | Follow: @bhncdsb